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Quick start

Get started with notion-sdk-py in just 5 minutes!



  • Make sure you have python and pip properly installed in your system.

    python --version
    pip --version
  • Create a new directory and move into it to follow along with this tutorial.

    mkdir learn-notion-sdk-py && cd learn-notion-sdk-py


  • Create a virtual environment and activate it.

    python -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
  • Install notion-sdk-py using pip

    pip install --upgrade notion-client


  • Go to to create an integration. Copy the token given by Notion.

  • Make it available in your environment:

    export NOTION_TOKEN=ntn_abcd12345


Don't forget that export only puts the variable in the environment of the current shell. If you don't want to redo this step for every new shell, add the line in your shell configuration or use a configuration library like dotenv.


Copy paste the code, and have fun tweaking it!

Let's start by initializing the client:

import os
from notion_client import Client

notion = Client(auth=os.environ["NOTION_TOKEN"])

Let's now fetch the list of users in the scope of our integration:

users = notion.users.list()

for user in users.get("results"):
    name, user_type = user["name"], user["type"]
    emoji = "😅" if user["type"] == "bot" else "🙋‍♂️"
    print(f"{name} is a {user_type} {emoji}")

It should output something in those lines:

Aahnik Daw is a person 🙋‍♂️
TestIntegation is a bot 😅

Do you see your name and the name of your integration?

🎉 Congratulations, you are now ready to use notion-sdk-py!